Well the first words are always the hardest. So I will start off with introducing you to what could possibly be our new home(picture above). The real estate agent phones tonight to tell us whether the sellers accept our offer or not.
In October 2010, Alan and I went for an overnight stay down to a beautiful area two and half hours south of Perth Wow, we didn't know this place existed and we just looked at each other and said this is where we want to be.
Fast forward to now March 2011 and we are making inroads into realizing that statement.
Al's Mum's house has been sold. She is coming to live with us. (We are really pleased about this.) Dad's house is sold. He used to live 5 houses away and has now moved to a gorgeous 1 bedroom unit in an aged care facility in Armadale. The baby is now settled in Campus accommodation at Murdoch University and Jacob has gone to live with his lady Naomi on the other side of Australia, Queensland. Jarrad and Megan (our oldest son and his wife) have decided to make the tree change with us and are readying their home to rent it out. Kenric and Marilyn and Laura will also be staying in Perth so I will be up lots for visiting. Our house is still in the stages of de-cluttering and painting etc.
Anyway, the new house, is in a very small hamlet called Kirup. It is not far from anything down that way and even though it boasts a population of 324 there really is a terrific infrastructure down there with lots of other towns and a major town which has a big hospital and reasonable shopping half an hour away.
Kirup is in the heart of the fruit orchards and other growing things and apparently the areas boasts the biggest packing shed in the southern hemisphere. We were also informed that if a person wants to work down that way then there is plenty of work to be had. I wont be going out of the house to work. Just sayin...........
I will however, hopefully to doing lots of stitching......You will be getting updates on this. I will also be doing a bit of baking and I definitely will be having chooks (chickens for the non australians). Did I mention that the land is well over half an acre? Well it is and I am hoping for some vegie gardens as well. Also lots of flowery plants that I haven't been able to grow up here. I don't think that I mentioned it is much colder down there and much more rain.
Anyways, I think this is enough of an introduction to the new blog.
p.s. The real estate agent has just phoned to say the house is ours. Woohoo!!!!!